Thank you for your understanding. Many american academic jews were stron supporters of the USSR and with many in the american left apologists for the soviets. That's why I've had to write this book as fiction, in order to tell the truth. But that was not what the culture was doing at the time, it was too obsessed with shiny space travel. We're in Jersualem, and she's pleading with me to help." He loved football, golf and his Monmouth race track. I could not make any progress if I was associated with them in any way. [1] On July 25, 2006, the book was re-published by Simon & Schuster under the Touchstone imprint and became a New York Times Best Seller.[1][4]. That's where and how the idea started and where Kathleen McGowan came up with the idea to announce herself the Grail child. The narrative overlap between the two novels is unmistakable - from high dramas in the Louvre to cryptic clues in great works of art. Palmer sounds like your usual promoter, like on AA. November 2022 This is a FACT and now finally - after 3 years of protecting her reputation as an author - I am now finally getting this off my chest (quite literally, actually). May 2012 All in all,it's a terrible article written by a guy who,judging by what he wrote,needs to talk to a psychiatrist HIMSELF. I haven't even read the Da Vinci Code.". Clarification: Stalinism and anti-Americanism are the two main sources of *contemporary* anti-Zionism. No one hypothesizes that aliens helped construct the Wells Tower in Chicago using ancient blueprints from the Dogon tribe. A restraining order has even had to be taken out against one woman, who was basically stalking her through the Amazon website. Her family has apparently accepted this epiphany with remarkable equanimity. Death Battle is a hypothetical match-up between different characters in popular culture, to see who would win. OK, what's the biggest art museum in France? Anneke Koremens and her husband Peter Von Deursen won their lawsuit and Anneke posted the French judgement document to her Facebook. McGowan's claim to divine ancestry has transported her from obscurity to the focus of international talkshow controversy. Can you still be *the* Grail Child that many generations removed? David Icke forms a nice "out" for this material because he's ostensibly "liberalish" (he talks about peace and love and shamans and isn't a raving bible thumper, and he's British which automatically gives him a certain gravitas for Americans who aspire to the creative class). One thing these folks all agree on- Kathleen McGowan is a venomous liar, a victim of grandiose illusions, and a bit pathological. If exposed, these documents would rewrite the entire official history of Christianity. She has spent nearly 30 years studying the legends of Mary Magdalene in France, and that of the women who have claimed her as their spiritual godmother for . A gripping thriller and a profound spiritual journey that reveals the greatest story never told! Once Stalin purged the jews from the politburo and tossed Trotsky out the jewish left started to abandon the knee jerk communist support. "The first thought that . July 2014 Stories from my family that . Will Christianity ever be the same again. January 2017 2022 Alicia Patterson fellow. "), merely one of maybe hundreds of thousands. February 2021 Philip's beloved and wife, Kathleen McGowan, posted this message on her page: My eternal beloved, my grail knight, my poet prince has made his transition. As a research psychologist (Ph.D. in psychology, Indiana University) I have become more interested in the process of how these Ancient Alien nuts come to their extraordinary conclusions than debunking their conclusions. Kathleen McGowan. ;-). Therefore, her company DEMORI LLC, and Kathleen McGowan (also known as Kathleen Harkey, Kathleen Harkey-Smith, Kathleen Coppens, Kathleen McGowan Coppens or any mix of the above she wishes to hide behind) has now officially stolen over 30.000 Euros from us. October 2011 Another article, from around the time Barkun's book came out, that is one of the few that actually discusses this stuff is Her grandmother was a pioneer in communications at NBC and her mother worked as a publicist. "They laughed at me. 2022 She travelled on to south-west France, where Magdalene reputedly fled following Christ's crucifixion, and was introduced to an ancient society loyal to Magdalene. The plot leads her to an arcane secret society which fetes her as the long prophesied descendant of Magdalene and Christ's union. May he rest in peace. I don't care. January 2014 Maybe KMG *is* part Divine I mean, if you look at this story, it's Alice In Wonderland, it's The Wizard Of Oz - they're all the same story, right?" It confirms the fears and is reassuring as far as brain chemical rewards go. August 2012 I suspect that the same processes that created ancient aliens theories are involved in conspiracy theories. That's been my conundrum all along. I also give permission to everyone who wishes to share this post and I will no longer protect her from the consequences of her own actions. She seems like a modern, self-possessed, media-savvy American. Within days, McGowan had a three-book deal with Simon & Schuster worth $1.5 million. Or, hey, go and write about the French Revolution - but don't talk about the guillotine, because Dan Brown already did it. June 2022 But, again, I was specifically talking about Leftist European anti-Semitism, which came up in connection with your comment about Icke. A lot of angry letters got exchanged between me and Kathleen. January 2020 Not only did she find Jesus' and Moses' graves, but she even found Mary's tomb in Muree, Pakistan, and the ruins of the home of Aaron, brother of Moses. Set mainly in France, the story concerns a deadly quest for religious artefacts which could prove that Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene were married. Kathleen McGowan's journey to becoming a foremost expert in the field of women's histories encompasses decades of research and global travel, as well as her own life's initiations. She gave it to me.' December 2013 When this was completed, I was informed that I was still legal King and Blackfoot Chief of the United States and the Americas. Popular Culture December 2010 2. She was one of the first female officers working for the Division of Human Services at Ancora State. July 2015 In my opinion, the book isn't worth getting (I have purchased and read it). November 2015 It's a simple matter of subject.". Mary Magdalene, she says happily, has "brought me back to Christ". Because of the nature of this first meeting, these casual events of celebration soon became popular but secretive within the royal powers of that era. Author and activist. Not saying you're an anti-Semite, but it's generalizations and irrelevant appeals to ethnic/religious background that get anti-Semitism into places where it doesn't seem to belong intrinsically. Mr. Colavito is right here about the "Veteran's Today" article. Kathleen McGowan (born March 22, 1963) is an American author. Weird Old Art Fact 3: Even though the judge has ruled for an immediate payment, she has not done so. In other words the meeting developed into an event of gay celebration. Aside from his Issa forgery, he produced another forgery: a lengthy Russian anti-Semitic treatise "The Truth about the Jews", which he claimed to have been based on a German original from the first half of the 19th century, which had allegedly become impossible to find because the Jews bought up and destroyed most copies. McGowan-Coppens denies that a judgment has occurred and claimed there is an organized group of haters who are conspiring to attack her: McGowan-Coppens, of course, believes she receives special communiques from Mary Magdalene, her ancestress, so naturally I can only conclude that. It's fascinating stuff, but the more I learn about it, the less credibly I find the idea that CIA-types would have made the leaps of logic to connect Crowley to UFOs in the 1950s. August 2013 April 2010 Kathleen McGowan. Kathleen McGowan claims to be a descendant of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, and has written a book to prove it. Ancient Aliens So it's not a coincidence. I don't know how, but I have to go there, I know I need to be there." LOL. The fringe element are crazy!". The Monitoring Council then said if the birth cannot be honored as planned, might we honor the birth child with the title of "Blackfoot Chief" which to us means the same as king. February 2023 Kathleen McGowan has appeared on more History Channel shows than any other woman. This post was published on the now-closed HuffPost Contributor platform. The monitoring council of the "Royal Program" was created from the wealthier families of the first citizenship indigenous (The educated and elite of The Blackfoot Indians). A series based on this fiction trilogy is in the works. It is with great sadness that we announce the passing away of Philip Coppens on December 30. When I got to Kashmir and found other families made the same claims, I immediately dropped my claim and began promoting them for DNA studies. did kimberly wiggins get married; custom wood signs london ontario; osgoode, ontario houses for sale; covina police department officers; body found in front royal, va today November 2010 "I'm sorry. January 2015 In one blog article: { } Kathleen says, quote: I "owe money to a business or businesses in France" - FALSE FALSE FALSE. My father was german, his father was bavarian and his mother's family from around Pomeriana or so. You're right about "international bankers" and the Protocols predating Stalin, of course! During the final minutes of the meeting it was stated that although the birth marked the completion of the Royal Program, it could not be given full honors as planned or that it deserved said the federal government. Show 60 article text (OCR) 60 Evening Post Wednesday February 12 1997 STARTS HERE Births HEWITT Deborah and Ian are proud to announce the safe arrival of a beautiful baby boy Thomas Matthew . ZU VERKAUFEN! He graduated from . That's true - Olsson's take is not based on Notovich. $ 4.49 - $ 16.38. Kathleen McGowan was born in Hollywood, California into a family with strong television and film ties. This was proven in COURT on December 14th, 2015. Set mainly in France, the story concerns a deadly quest for religious artefacts which could prove that Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene were married. 2010-2023 Jason Colavito. October 2013 $ 4.49 - $ 28.79. Archaeology texts to send an aries man Search. If this sounds familiar, that may be because you are one of the 40 million people who have read Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code. To others, more sceptical, it will say more about the unholy caprice of the publishing industry. Shaver, well, yeah. She claims to be a descendant of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene. REX/Shutterstock. She must agree, though, that the crossover between books is an uncanny coincidence. Such as? Until 10 years ago, she explains, she was a studio PR in Hollywood, working in her spare time on a history book about famous maligned women. Free Shipping on all orders over $15. October 2017 December 2020 And I was like, you know what? The judge didn't buy it either--but good luck and best wishes to Anneke and Peter to recover their money Oh shut up KathleenThe Courts ruled and you lost- , proving that you are a liar and a troublemaker..and this hasn't changed for 30 years. What she will say, though, is that she had some creepy encounters in America after the book was self-published. Kathleen McGowan was on several Yahoo forums back then, including LG's Entropic forum. You have to appreciate that the James article makes perfectly clear which things we're supposed to be afraid of, by capitalizing them: "Evil Alien ET", "Rothschild Banksters", "Dracos", "Preston James" You forgot the "Organized Crime Cabal (OCC) run by the City of London World Zionists (WZs) who use the International Zionist Crime Syndicate (IZCS), Israeli Likudist Cutouts, stateside Israeli-first Dual and Triple Citizen Traitors, and the Bush Crime Cabal (BCC)"! But lurking in the shadows are sinister defenders of the approved Christian history, plotting Maureen's murder. ", She was married to Philip Coppens, who died in 2012. No one believes you anymore, not after years and years and years of these dramas with you.get therapy - get a real job selling designer handbags and shoes..That suits you better than pretending to be a real writer- script writer- historian, biblical expert- astrologer- "ordained" minister (an online certificate bought for ten dollars- we know who created it for you) Irish "terror survivor "and "editor" of the Irish Times ( which is nothing more than a one night bar schedule written in Los Angeles and printed on your computer at home) ..You need therapy and you need to leave nice people like Anneke and Peter alone- they are out of your class. July 2012 She has also publicly accused Tim Wallace Murphy and William Henry (among others) of making death threats against her. And so all the research had to stand on its own and be independent of anyone else's claims, including Mirza Ghulam Ahmad and Notovich. The Source of Miracles: 7 Steps to Transforming Your Life through the Lord's Prayer. Didn't she think of talking to a shrink instead? The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Kathleen was born in Philadelphia, PA and lived in Hammonton most of her life. Also, in the same way that fears of UFOs and alien invasion depicted in movies, etc. The parents of a talented teenage athlete with who had epilepsy, cerebral palsy and autism have blamed their son's death on "arrogant" doctors . January 2021 Ufos Marseille September 1997. I am Suzanne Olsson and I am responding to the article above that mentions me directly. | December 2018 Marseille was a fine place to die and had been for centuries. Conspiracies I basically started with nothing from scratch to see if any historical evidence held up in support of the theory. March 2019 March 2018 Look at the subject matter. He was 56. Updated variations of this hypothesis propose that chronic stress at high population density may reduce fitness, reproduction, or program aspects of phenotype, driving . She was a 1964 graduate of Most Holy Rosary School in Syracuse, New York, and earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in history from St. Bonaventure University in 1968. Most of the antisemitism we're talking about here has little to do with anti-Zionism. July 2020 Great coffee, by the way.". That's how I paid for the trip.". These are the two main sources of anti-Zionism, which invariably collapses into anti-Semitism in the hands of extremists. Kathleen McGowan was born in Hollywood, California into a family with strong television and film ties. But then, all of a sudden, I look up and she is in tears. It takes us months to send a ship to Mars which is (I think) only 20 light-minutes away. The European Left has always been much more Stalinist and much more anti-American than the American Left. Racism August 2010 Now on to the tomb of Jesus issue. It was determined that Kathleen died because of blood loss 90 minutes to two hours after she received several blows to the back of the head with a blunt object. Yes, the two get conflated, and if you go to places like Rense, you absolutely will see that. PS: Looks like Nick Redfern is still working this angle after his Final Events attempt to cross this over into the more secular parts of the UFO community didn't quite deliver as much as I suspect had been hoped December 2015 November 2016 Her novel The Expected One sold over a million copies worldwide and has appeared in over fifty languages. We keep seeing unexplained lights in the sky and there is the case of Betty and Barney Hill's abduction and the Incident at Exeter (now explained as lights reflecting off the midair refueling boom of a super tanker) but so far nothing that has really stood up. May 2014 We find the money for The Source Of Miracles 7 Steps To Transforming Your Life Through Lords Prayer Kathleen Mcgowan and When she went back to the publishers, they told her that the same genre they'd previously said couldn't be published, on account of having never been done before, now couldn't be printed because it had just been done by Brown. So we're all going to end up there. Other than that, she says, being related to Jesus has had little impact on how she leads her life. She married Charles John McGowan in July 1968, with whom she had four children and remained married for 48 . McGowan / m a n / is an Irish and Scottish surname. Or you could just listen to archives of C2C and before that Long John Nebel (who himself ended up getting roped into this stuff with the whole Candy Jones business), where it shows up all the time. These are blatant lies. Thanks Jason for your most interesting and stimulating blogkeep up the good work, Anneke Koremans on author Kathleen McGowan [Magdalene Series, The Book of Love, The Expected OneUnpaid Financial Judgment. February 2018 June 2012 May 2018 Thanks for the space. Laurence Gardner was helping me in approaching National Geographic on my behalf asking for financing for me (in the form of Grant money). November 2014 She passed away peacefully at the age of 83 on N View and manage who you follow on Amazon. | I am an author and researcher focusing on pop culture, science, and history. I can't. Fact 2: Kathleen McGowan has repeatedly and horribly slandered not only my name, but that of my husband, our company, our supporters and many other friends, not only by word of mouth, but also online and in public. It was Laurence Gardner who first told me that my family, the Des Marets (Merovingians according to him) were part of his bloodline theory- and his history. However, I was speaking of their specifically anti-Zionist versions, which received strong impetus Stalinist (and generally early Cold War) propaganda after the founding of Israel. Kathleen Kirkwood Death - On November sixth, 2021 We found out with regards to the passing of Kathleen Kirkwood from QVC through a Social Media post. Jun 5, 2009, 05:12 AM EDT | Updated May 25, 2011. It's dangerous! They say that they approached McGowan-Coppens, who refused payment. This had become my entire life." Its members believe she and Christ wrote secret gospels which testify to their union, and are hidden in the Languedoc. September 2014 December 2019 Here are some of the requirements I have observed: 1. Joseph J. McGowan, Jr., 57, passed away peacefully on January 10, 2023. The first copyright was in 2002. My work was discussed there and on my own forum. This all became effective and internationally government legal upon the date of my birth, October 6, 1942. Nor would I say her book was any worse than Dan Brown's. Learn more about The Book of Love at Kathleen McGowan intro. This is how: I know Ms. Olsson. ", She pauses to take a sip of cappuccino. So, another example of the endless recycling of bunk to empower the disenfranchised. Posts about Kathleen McGowen written by bootlegger2. The debate over Zionism before the Holocaust and the establishment of the state of Israel was quite different in nature, though frequently just as nutty. . Having been rejected by every publishing house, McGowan published the book herself, bringing her family to the brink of bankruptcy. Documents." Alternative History Does anything about this stuff explain the raging anti-Semitism? Books available in 40 languages worldwide. His web master lived in New Zealand, where I also lived at the time- and so we all became friends. [1] Her novel The Expected One sold over a million copies worldwide and has appeared in over fifty languages. 2010 . The object of the alien explanation has to be ancient. 2004 Alien demonology: the Christian roots of the malevolent extraterrestrial in UFO religions and abduction spiritualities. Book IV in my series, The Boleyn Heresy tells the story of the women who changed the world in Renaissance France and Tudor England . In 1991, she went to work for The Walt Disney . November 2019 "I don't live in some grandiose idea of who we are. August 2011 I was retired, assisting the Red Cross, and free to go and so with encouragement from Laurence and others, I went to India with this long piece of paper with the entire genealogy written out. Grist, Popular Science, Boston Globe, Wired. He stresses that he doesn't necessarily believe the demonic angle, just that the globalists that will kill most of us and enslave the survivors believe in the demons as aliens (and the most common take I see these days, one reflected in Final Events and its discussion of the mythic PROJECT BLUE BEAM that is taken as gospel in conspiracy circles, is that indeed the entire UFO thing is being promoted as a face for such a take over in service to demons). but I covered most everything brought up by the others here..I apologize to Jason if I spoke too much. April 2015 I had published these ideas earlier in ThailandI was warned to get the copyright date on my book as soon as possible. May 2022 Contributors control their own work and posted freely to our site. The legendary seaport retained a reputation as a lair for pirates, smugglers, and cutthroats, a status enjoyed since the Romans wrestled it from the Greeks in the days before Christ. Re-examine the ideas of Final Events without everything that follows Morning of the Magicians, and it just doesn't make sense. She quit her job, cashed in her savings plans, sold her clothes on eBay, and entered a TV quiz show. As Michael was the only one in the . Atlantis I don't know anything about Ms.Coppens. April 2018 (Why would they want to assist in these hellacious construction projects that derive from beliefs with no basis in fact?) "Author takes leap of faith with theory of Mary Magdalene", McGowan's author's page at Simon&Schuster,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 11 December 2022, at 19:56. Also, Olsson does not mention the fact that this belief originated with Mirza Ghulam Ahmad around 1900, who started a sect that is not deemed popular in India. heart emoticon. I could not afford all the travel and research plus the DNA tests so things floundered. "And I won. Sincere Sympathy to all the Hoban family on the death of Brendan. She has also appeared as a presenter on Bible Secrets Revealed, and made appearances in episodes during season 2 and season 5 of The Curse of Oak Island, both shows also on the History Channel. Knights Templar "Some of them said it had to be made more like the Da Vinci Code. Each novel of the series features the fictitious heroine Maureen Paschal, who is tasked with uncovering alleged historical and Christian enigmas. Belonging to the U Echach Cobo, located in modern-day County Down in the east of Ulster, they produced several over-kings of Ulaid.By the late 12th century, the English had expelled the McGowans to Tr Chonaill (now largely modern-day County . August 2022 These, they concluded, were not coincidences. Not surprisingly, Preston James seems to have deep-seated issues. "I must say I'm not sure how the anti semitism becomes part of some of these guys theories." May 2013 I never read that Final Events stuff before, wow makes Ickes look kind of sane, hell it makes Alex Jones look sane. Filed July 18, 2014- retrieved from PACER- case # 3:15-cv-00467-HLA-PDB. Kathleen McGowan made public statements that I made death threats and stalked . December 2016 Simu Liu Didn't Enjoy A Look-Alike Segment At The NBA All-Star . However with government consent, the monitoring council of that program (known as The Council of Indians) continued funding and maintenance until the program was completed "October 6, 1942". AM RANDE DES Abgrunds: Thriller von Claire McGowan, sehr gut erhalten - EUR 1,40. I know Notovich claimed Jesus was in India before the crucifixion, but if I recall he was the first to say Jesus went to India. It's idiotic and Mr. Colavito was right to call these people out. Alternative Archaeology There are many witnesses to this fact and several screen prints have been made, which are now in the possession of our lawyer. Softly: "Yes." After a long, cautious pause: "I would have an educated guess." I was in constant touch via emails and forums with Laurence Gardner when he began assembling his research for his first book, "Bloodline of the Holy Grail." Kathleen Marie (Brown) McGowan, age 74, died on Thursday, October 28, 2021. King Arthur August 2019 April 2016 January 2019 The 1920s and 30s were a very strange time. Pyramids I did not know about Ahmaddis when I began. Some critics dismiss the tale as the messianic delusion of a heretic. The text contains standard misinterpretations of the anti-Taludist version of anti-Semitism. Chronic stress has long been hypothesized to play a role in driving population cycles. James claims that the aliens worship Satan and that Aleister Crowley was the first to learn that the Reptilians (Dracos) were in control of the Greys when he met a Grey inside a pyramid and named him Seth. Most of us have jobs that sooner or later become dull, moronic, boring. Alternative Archaeology Testament Thriller Die Magdalena Serie Pdf and numerous books collections from fictions to scientific research in any way. It would have opened the way to re-apply for the Nat Geo Grant money for DNA testing at the tomb. The church is a notoriously faction-ridden institution, she argues, and its approved history should be read only as the version the winning faction wanted. She is known as one of the world's leading experts on the life of Mary Magdalene, and has studied her and related subjects of women in history and spirituality on four continents over 25 years.She is the mother of actor Shane Francis Smith. "the jewish left" "I can't answer that question." An independent review found his death was "potentially avoidable". July 2019 Its protagonist is an Irish American author called Maureen, who becomes overwhelmed by intense mystical visions of Magdalene while researching a book. March 2021 Her grandmother was a pioneer in communications at NBC and her mother worked as a publicist. thanks for posting the link to the interview. [1] Focusing on the role of Mary Magdalene, it was self-published in 2005, and sold 2,500 copies. Home; About Us; Services; Training; Contact Us; Gallery; FAQ; Blog Bestselling author McGowan (The Expected One ) calls the Lord's Prayer "the most powerful tool for changing your lifeand changing the worldthat . Terrorism was just getting in to full swing in that region. February 2019 I mean, I've just got back from the Languedoc myself, and I was followed all the time. Mary Magdalene was calling for me to tell her story. To others, McGowan is not mad but bad, peddling a Da Vinci Code rip-off on the back of some cooked-up identity theft. Author of NY Times bestsellers The Expected One, The Book of Love, The Poet Prince and The Source of Miracles. SHE IS AS DELUSIONAL AS HER DEAD HUSBAND. Mary Kathleen Perrin McGowan September 10, 1938 - November 14, 2021 Mary Kathleen Perrin McGowan was born in Cherokee, Iowa, on September 10, 1938. Kathleen McGowan claims to be a descendant of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, and has written a book to prove it. She starts to grow cagey. So no, it's not an uncanny coincidence. I said I have to go to Israel. I was Googling for something else when this came up in the search engine..Should I reply to you? Now about secretary forrestal.and those crazy theories "american academic jews" Weird Things I'm followed often. He was born in Red Bank, NJ in 1952 to John and Marie McGowan. Think it was Diane Sawyer who spoke to an elderly gypsy woman about the subject . She was a 1964 graduate of Most Holy Rosary School in Syracuse, New York, and earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in history from St. Bonaventure University in 1968. April 2013 I didn't know if I was going crazy. December 2012 I guess it's a requirement in the woo counter-culture. McGowan had experienced intense visionary dreams. I will now address something else written here- about the lawsuit I have against Kathleen McGowan. They thought that by preying upon us when we were grieving we would simply pay them and not ask questions. He owed them nothing, and there is plenty of proof of that, which will be played out appropriately in a court of law, and not on Facebook. He doesn't really provide much beyond the broader tradition I describe above (found in that VT article), certainly not anything particularly credible in terms of evidence (and he'll straight up say he can't, that he's telling what he says he's been told). Kathleen McGowan, Contributor. I've had people say that they're going to sue me because they're really Mary Magdalene, and I didn't get their permission to tell the story!" Habsburgs