Shelby County Club taking members. Westervelt Wildlife Services offers deerhunting land leases and hunting clubs throughout the Southeast. Twin Creek Hunting Club is a deer and turkey hunting club located midway between Jasper and Tuscaloosa Alabama. We are a family oriented hunting club located in south alabama. You will be glad you joined! If calling, please call after 6pm. The versatility of the Black Belts wildlife, long seasons, and generous bag limits is part of what makes it so appealing to hunters and anglers. If interested, I would make you club president, so that you could deal directly with Rayonier next year, and take me completely out of the loop. They will help you from beginning . Be sure to check out our photo gallery to see the different types of game taken from the Briar Creek Club property. All Antler Hunting Club membership dues go into the lease, game management and Insurance. Welcome to Buckhorn Hunting Club's website. Our members enjoy bow, black powder and regular gun seasons. 904 507 1976, The Bobcat Hunting Club is located on 1600 acres about 40 minutes northeast of Jacksonville FL. Thank you! The regions rugged and hilly terrain, combined with its abundance of great habitat, makes it a prime destination for trophy whitetail bucks. We keep the club around 10 members and are a family oriented club. Safe, family friendly hunting club for all ages to enjoy! NEED MEMBERS FOR THE 2012/2013 HUNTING SEASON,WE HAVE 2300 ACRES,CAMP SITE FOR CAMPERS,MEMBERSHIP INCLUDES ALL SMALL Purchasing, Merchandising and Procurement, Alabama Airplanes and Helicopters for sale, Alabama Refrigerators, ovens etc. Kellett Kreek Farm & Hunt Club . . Browse for sale listings in In fact, the Westervelt Company was the first private industrial timber company in the Southeast to hire a wildlife biologist (1951) and among the first to implement a hunting lease program in the 1970s on over 400,000 acres of company owned lands. . Stands put in are shared stands by 4 people, all like minded hunters. All Rights Reserved. The club has access to approximately 8,300 acres located in Northwest Tuscaloosa State: Alabama Zip Code: 35546 Category: Hunt Club Casey's Hunting Camp Casey's Hunting club is a family owned hunt club. Updated: on 6/15/2022. Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Land, Leases, Hunting Clubs ISO Turkey Only Lease / Trade / $$$ by Boom. Club members are encouraged to bring their families at any time to hunt, camp or just relax and spend quality time together. If remaining balance is not paid in full by July 1st, the lease contract will be cancelled and the tract will be listed as an available lease. Lessees will be allowed to cut brush, however, to open shooting lanes. Looking to join a club in St Johns, Duval or within an hour of either county. $550.00 per year. document.write(year) Their contact information is listed on our website. S&S is seeking members for 2013/2014 hunting season.Land is located in Tuscaloosa county,the Coker area.IT is 80%. This camp offers short-term and long-term leases, making it a versatile option for hunters of all experience levels. Book two 3-day hunts; 1 pre-rut (before January) and 1 rut (January or February) Memberships are $450.00 per Great hunting land in Coosa County, 1800 acres. Interior hunting lease boundaries are generally roads, creeks, rivers, or other natural boundaries. ; To cooperate with all local, state, and federal agencies dedicated to . 315 were here. We have also dedicated a minimum 1% of our ownership to permanent food plots that are maintained for wildlife. | Privacy Policy Website Development by Red Sage Communications, Inc. 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. Who do I contact if I have a question about my lease ? 6 members total. There may also be discounts available for bulk purchases at some retailers. Is there any preference for who gets to lease a tract of land ? Pickens County, Benevola,AL. NEED MEMBERS FOR THE 2012/2013 HUNTING SEASON,WE HAVE 2300 ACRES,CAMP SITE FOR CAMPERS,MEMBERSHIP INCLUDES ALL SMALL Purchasing, Merchandising and Procurement, Indian Springs Hunting & Fishing for sale. We are very particular about how we take deer and what the rules of the club, not the state are. Tuscaloosa, AL 35404. Hunting land lease prices in Alabama can vary depending on several factors, including the location and amenities of the property. Replies . Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Hunter orange is an important safety measure for hunters and is required by law in many states. While primarily a "deer hunting" club, each year various members enjoy chasing turkeys through the woods during our Spring Turkey season which runs from March 25th - May 8th in this area. If your club is looking for members or you are looking for a place to hunt, then post it here. "He adjusted the tie depending on the temperature," Cook says. Additionally, many of these clubs have websites you can visit to learn more about their offerings and contact information. Started by a U.S. Marine, Jarhead Hunting and Game Preserve is located in the northwest part of Crenshaw county 2 openings for hunting club. AROUND 450 ACRES WITH 7 MEMBERS. Required fields are marked *. Wives and children 2 openings for hunting club. (Postal address is Minter, AL) We are 30 minutes from I-65 and only four hours from the Tennessee line in the north or New Orleans from the south. by booner. Camp Creek Hunting Club is located in Fostoria, Lowndes County, Alabama which is about 45 miles southwest from Montgomery, Alabama. I am looking for one member to join that can follow QDM rules and is not just meat hunting. Our average timber harvest is less than 100 acres designed in a way that will promote edge habitat, habitat diversity, and hunting opportunities. Because we manage hundreds of hunting clubs and timber activities are constant across the Westervelt landscape, it may not always be possible to contact the club directly. 1700 acres; 10+ Hunters; Date Listed - 2/28/2018; 1700 acre hunting club located in Monroe county Alabama looking for members for 2019/2020 season hardwood bottoms with abundance of acorns-planted pines-many small streams on property DEER>>>HOGS>>>TURKEY>>> Membership is only $600 per member. 538 Acres with the Rayonier price of $7293.00. Membership is $1,500 per year for deer. Alabama Black Belt Adventures. No camping on property but there are places to stay in the area. HUNTING CLUBS SEEKING MEMBERS. Once a contract expires, the existing club has the first option for renewal before it is posted as an available lease as long as they have abided by the lease contract policies, been good stewards of the land, followed deer management recommendations, and have made lease payments on time. Contact your lease manager for clarification. Where needed, and only with Westervelts written permission, hunting clubs will be allowed to erect gates. Using the aerial map in the sign-up building, hunters reserve their private hunting plots for each day. Looking for a few new members , club has a little over 3800 acres of property to hunt. A hunting club may be the perfect fit if you are an outdoorsman and enjoy hunting, fishing, or just spending time in the Alabama woods. If you are interested in hunting on Alabama Power land, please visit our website for more information. Westervelt Hunting Land Lease and Hunting Clubs Services. the land lease is leased specifically through two separa However, a group who has been known to abuse a property, or has a history of wildlife violations, will be excluded from consideration for a lease. NE Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. One way we do this is by managing over 3,500 miles of shoreline and licensing more than 80,000 acres of land for recreational hunting each year. $550.00 per year. 7054 River Ridge rd Beatrice, AL 36425 Hunting club. Only Westervelt signs may be used for posting leases (aluminum nails are required). Some popular options include Saugahatchee Hunting Club, Alabama Quail Hunters Club, Troy's Hunt Club, Deep South Hunting Club, Okalee Hunt Club, and Southeastern Hunting Club. . Hunting club accepting a few members. Pickens County, Benevola,AL. Because the primary use of our land is timber production, we have learned how to manage quality hunting land leases, implement wildlife enhancement projects, and maintain long-term hunting land lease customer satisfaction in conjunction with timber management activities. Club is 553 acres mostly planted pines with lots of creeks and branches running throughout. Near Davenport, Alabama our club has a mixture of hardwood bottoms, old and new pines, several creeks, and over 1.5 miles of powerline running through the center of the property . Power and water. Your club does need insurance, but you will not have to seek and secure insurance on your own. Due to our expertise and experience over these years, our hunting lease program has been extremely successful and currently leads the hunting lease industry in quality and customer satisfaction. Alabama Heart of Dixi "The Camellia State" - State Capital Montgomery. Check out more of what we have to offer. Briar Creek is a family oriented club with a passion for teaching children and people new to hunting and fishing the importance of being in the outdoors. We are a family oriented club. $550.00 per year. A Few Dollars More Hunting Club was established in 2004 as a private membership hunt club and is located approximately thirty minutes North of Flomaton, Alabama. Join Now for the 2012 - 2013 Hunting Season. Westervelt Lease Manager to find out more about the lease or to secure the lease. AFOA Members* may list hunting land for lease on this page at no cost. 6 members total. Looking for 4 members to join my lease. Similar Leases Beautiful Hog hunting land in Alapaha, GA. 100 Acres $1000 - $5000 Persimmon Hill - 100 Acres in Wilkes County, GA. 100 Acres $1000 - $5000 Please email inquiries, calls ok but not accepted without caller ID.$1300.00 for 1 member, 800.00 each for 2. Abundant wildlife roams nearly 15,000 acres of forest. B & B hunting club looking for members, Contact Email Phones numbers 334/464-0562/208-1069. Managing nearly 700,000 acres of hunting leases and clubs. (Postal address is Minter, AL) We are 30 minutes from I-65 and only four hours from the Tennessee line in the north or New Orleans from the south. The campground provides a skinning shed with electric winches and a walk-in cooler. So whether youre a local hunter or just passing through, take advantage of the season and bag yourself a trophy buck. Need to pay Rayonier by 7/15. Mostly pines and hardwood bottoms. |. Subleasing, commercial hunting, or selling of hunting rights is prohibited and is a direct violation of the lease contract. We offer a family atmosphere while providing a place to teach our next generation hunters to enjoy and respect our great outdoors. President, Vice President and treasurer are elected positions. Alabama 800-272-4263 Arkansas 800-482-9262 Florida 888-404-3922 . 6 point or better. Looking for a few new members , club has a little over 3800 acres of property to hunt. Although it is not a trophy management club, our standing club rules and guidelines strongly encourage our members to follow QDM principles in harvesting only 3 year or older bucks. The Wilcox County Hunting Club has filled all, Franklin Hunting Club is approximately 2200 acres of prime hunting territory, located in Vredenburgh, Alabama. For example, a hunting lease with a cabin, lake, duck pond, and power or gas lines would likely be more expensive than one without those features. Hillcrest Hunting Club Inc., LLC : Camp Early Days Rules Kids Korner Members Only Contact Us Misc. Deer Ridge Hunting Club is looking for New Members this year. 814 acres in Long County, Ga. We have Deer, Turkey, Hogs and small birds. Cedar Creek Hunting Club is now taking memberships for the 2012-2013 hunting season. The Black Belt spans about 40 miles north and 40 miles south of Interstate 80, and it offers a variety of terrain perfect for deer hunting. We are a family oriented club. Triple J Hunt Deer and Turkey in Florida. Hunting lease maps available on our website under available leases should provide guidance to the location and boundaries of the lease property. Every hunt is fully guided so you are insured that a mature whitetail will be harvested, Deep South Hunting Club around 7000 acres of diverse habitats, with the addition of numerous Mossy Oak Biologic food plots, feed stations, and fertile ground it creates a great environment, Okalee Hunt Club with more than 3,000 acres of prime hunting land for both deer and turkey, Okalee Hunt Club have over 40 stands, all on plots that are cultivated, Southeastern Hunting Club is a single tract of land that consists of over 4,000 acres that have been managed for quality deer and turkey for over 25 years as well, Twin Creek Hunting Club is a deer and turkey hunting club located midway between Jasper and Tuscaloosa Alabama. May require some work days to help with food plots and road maintaining. Briar Creek Sportsman Club is more than just a hunting club, it's a 15,000+ acre sportsman's paradise. Our guides know every trail, stand and food plot to the last detail. However, gates must be built to Westervelt specifications. You will find a, Troy's Hunt Club are family owned and operated and pride ourselves on personal attention. Wearing hunter orange can help to increase visibility and reduce the risk of accidental shootings. Whichever county you choose to hunt in, follow all the regulations and get a permit before you head out. Example: To create, foster, and promote the ideals of outdoor sportsmanship and to actively manage, protect, conserve, and hunt white-tailed deer and eastern wild turkey. Last Post 02/12/23 12:50 PM, by Kang. Established in 1968 by Elbert and Sue Crook, Camp Creek Hunting Club is family-oriented and is selective in its membership. Hunting Clubs In Alabama Needing Members. I have 1, possibly 2 spots available. Pilot, Marengo, AL Marengo County, Alabama Hunting Club Reserved 1000 Ac. Cedar Creek Hunting Club is now taking memberships for the 2012-2013 hunting season. Trying to keep it as a family friendly club. We offer a variety of hunting opportunities, from small to big game, and our land is open to hunters of all experience levels. Replies: 14 Views: 6,368 14 . 9 ponds. E-Mail [email protected] Services. Organizing a Hunting Club -- ANR 537 (new pdf version) (old pdf . Whether youre looking for a challenging hunt in rough terrain or a more relaxed hunt on a managed piece of property, Jackson County has something to offer. If you are in doubt as to whether the plants in question are commercial trees or brush, do not cut them! Mix of hard woods, clear cut and creek bottoms. 40 members Camp house with bunk rooms Kitchen and showers NO Camper Spots Lake stocked with fish No Acres 4,000 Zip 36553 County Washington Type Annual Game Whitetail Deer, Turkey Our founding principles focus on adding value for our hunting lease customers and using innovative technology to increase our management efficiency. Typically, neighboring and local landowners or groups who have historically hunted a property and have been good stewards of the land will be given preference when making leasing decisions. Caseys Hunting club are located in the southern portion of Dallas County in an area that has been known for decades, The Wilcox County Hunting Club has over 50 wildlife food plots, pine plantation areas, good road system and nice hardwood creek bottoms. The yellow property lines, however, only indicate Westervelt property lines and not necessarily the hunting lease boundaries. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. I own the adjacent 368 acres and would be willing to work out a deal to help you plant your remote food plot. Three creeks with nice hardwood bottoms flow through the planted pines and clear cuts of its rolling hills leased from timber companies. If hunting is your passion, Briar Creek offers members the opportunity to harvest rabbit, squirrel, predators, turkey, ducks, deer, dove, quail and wild hogs. Call Mark at 321-689-4461. You wont find a better club for the money. Yes, lease tracts may be posted. You wont find a better club for the money. Land Hunt Big W T Bucks & Mature Gobblers with QDM club of 13 years. We recommend relaying gate issues to your hunting lease manager. If available leases do not fit your needs, but you would like to be on a waiting list if any leases become available that meet your needs, contact one of our lease managers via email or phone. Serious inquiries only, please. Our club is located in West Central Alabama. Hunting Club looking for one member. 12 hunt stands.3 cabins.. Collectively, we manage nearly 700,000 acres of hunting leases and clubs in Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, Florida, South Carolina, and Virginia. Club is located about 10 miles south of Lineville Alabama. I have a small club, 177 Acres, all timber with food plots. - 2500+ acres with 35+ Green fields. It holds deer, hogs, turkey, as well as a large swamp that holds wood ducks throughout the fall. Whether he was hunting deer, ducks or turkeys at Millwood, or quail or turkeys elsewhere, Coleman wore that tie with his brush pants, hunting cap and khaki shirt. With clients ranging from corporations owning large blocks of property to smaller private landowners, we offer a turnkey program that includes management of the entire lease business or technical assistance for landowners only interested in enhancing their own program. Dues are1700.00 (planting . How can I identify a tract of land on the ground ? Looking for two members for a club in Camden Co GA. 1900 Acres, Still Hunt, $1800.00. For those not interested in dog drives, there are several trophy managed tracts of land that aren't included in the dog drives. We are a still hunting club located in Long County. 320 acres. Demopolis, Alabama We are a private club located in Central Alabama off State Highway 231 between Rockford and Equality in Coosa County (9th Best Deer Harvest County in Alabama - 2016/17) .We have over 6000 acres of land (Swamp Creek, Equality, Hatchet Creek, & Coosa WMA) that consist of hardwood bottoms, cutovers, pine forest, and swamp bottoms with numerous . Youre sure to have a successful hunt with some planning and preparation. Please message me, e-mail me for more information. Hunter orange is typically available in various sizes, so it is important to find a garment that fits properly. Memberships are $450.00 per Great hunting land in Coosa County, 1800 acres. Be sure to include information for each column in the listing . TWIN CREEK HUNTING CLUB MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION For those interested in leasing land, you should:Review available leases Once you find an available hunting lease you are interested in, contact the . . To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. No camping on property but there are places to stay in the area. In Alabama, the cost of hunter orange varies depending on the retailer. Please browse around and enjoy our site! 2 miles from FL / Ga border on I 95. CONTACT US. Deer hunting is a popular sport in Alabama, and the state is home to a large population of deer. Joining a hunting club is a great way to connect with other outdoorsmen and make new friends while enjoying the beautiful Alabama landscape. Hunting Leases Home / Clubs Seeking Members. We have 3,888 acres of land for hunting turkey, deer, and hog. Alabama: Russell. Feel free to browse around and check out all the information about this great hunting opportunity. Clearly state the club's objectives in the constitution. Each of these clubs offers something unique, so it is important to research to find the one that best suits your needs. A Westervelt hunting lease permits you to use the property throughout the year. Nailing stands to trees or driving metal spikes into trees for steps is not allowed. We have 1626 acres and will have 7 members total. Welcome To Mossy Hill Hunting ClubEmail: for sale. We have white-tailed deer, bobwhite quail, Eastern wild turkey, and duck hunting complemented by some of the best bass fishing anywhere. November 19th-December 31st. Turkey Branch Hunt Club is looking for members for the 2022-2023 season. Click here for a printable copy of the 2022-2023 work days and meetings. Contact Norman Ennis at 912-313-5683. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Turkey Branch Hunt Club is looking for members for the 2022-2023 season. Located in big deer country just outside of Camden, AL. If hunting is your passion, Briar Creek offers members the . 814 acres in Long County, Ga. We have Deer, Turkey, Hogs and small birds. Management strategies such as timber thinning, harvest, burning, and fertilization applications are used to promote desirable wildlife cover and quality forages. On lands owned by Westervelt, timber management activities are conducted in a way that promotes quality wildlife habitat, abundant wildlife, and excellent hunting. If we lease from Westervelt are we allowed to post the land ? A. Jackson County is home to some of the best big buck hunting in northeastern Alabama. Dues are small, $750 annually. Enjoy the natural world again with amazing upland birds hunting. We welcome any questions that you might have! RLU 596167 in Dozier, Al. If interested, I would make you club president, so that you could deal directly with Rayonier next year, and take me completely out of the loop. var year = today.getFullYear() Callahan area. Ultimately, the best way to determine the lease price for a specific property is to contact the owner or leasing agent directly. We have 43 food plots with shooting houses on 41 of the plots. We have nice bucks for south Alabama. Continue with Recommended Cookies. Make sure you find one that fits your needs and meets your expectations. 400 acres western AL. Clear Creek HC in southern Covington Cty. $1200 per year planting included. Covered outdoor kitchen on concrete with fridge, smoker and BBQ. Alabama Shared Whitetail Hunt (2 Hunters sitting together using 1 Weapon) $2095.00. If fishing is your pleasure, Briar Creek Sportsman Club has several stocked ponds as well as Briar Creek to offer outstanding fishing opportunities. by basspro527. Most Westervelt hunting clubs annually collect harvest and hunter observation data that allows the biologist to monitor deer herd quality and make recommendations that will improve the deer herd and hunting. 530 acres in Dixons Mill area. NE Tuscaloosa, AL 35404 Phone (800) 281-7991. July 28th 2022 (Thurs..) 6:30pm General Membership meeting.