However, Jack witnessed this and began shooting the Punisher in the back on his vest, forcing him to take cover. Wilson then took Page hostage to escape while wearing a bomb vest, heading to the elevator he prepared earlier. Once the Quinn's had gone, Castle stepped back to his room and collected his belongings. That's what I do.Frank Castle to Karen Page. From here, the Punisher began repeatedly punching Russo in the face, until Russo was finally able to avoid his strike, causing the Punisher to painfully hit the hard floor, as Russo then punched him right into the throat, knocking the Punisher back as Russo drew his knife, prepared to kill his former friend. Working alongside Frank, Micro is gunned down in crossfire during an exchange: Billy Russo is holding Micro's wife Sarah and son Zach, and wants to swap them for . You're a goddamn lunatic.Punisher and Dutton. While eating is breakfast, the waitress informed Castle that someone describing his exact features managed to ask for him on their land-line, much to his disbelief. Unfortunately, Frank doesn't know Daredevil's true identity, so he seeks him out to finish his killing spree. They think they're gonna scare people into making them do what they want. Grabbing ahold of Russo's hair, the Punisher proceeded to smash his face into the cracked mirror repeatedly, ripping his face to shreds while telling Russo that he would learn about pain and loss. Settling in, Castle formally introduced himself as Pete, while the girl told him her name was Rachel. Later in the shootout, Castle would see Olin attempting to use a gun on her. Castle shot her in the leg and attempted to force Olin to talk. With Cooley now dead, the remaining members of the Kitchen Irish stormed into the room and began firing at Castle, who was forced to retreat and hide behind a doorframe, shooting back and getting a bullet in his side while the Irish called for reinforcements. Now thatThe Punisher has finally arrived on Netflix, the full extent of Frank Castle's origin has finally been told. Castle and Daredevil continued fighting as they dodged the many bullets being fired at them. However, the events left him too exhausted to even read a bedtime story to his daughter. Later, when Bendix was about to leave to return to a normal life, Castle said he would miss her and even hugged her, a sign of affection that he rarely showed to others. When the next day had past, Castle sat on the ground nearby Lance and Paulie, overhearing that they were discussing plans for an upcoming heist. Assisted by Micro who spotted targets with a drone, Castle and Henderson took out the tactical team. Gunner, it's Frank Castle! [36], Alright, they call you the Punisher. Castle then burned his house and left the city to continue his crusade. Wilson then locked him in a storage room, before Wilson used his own explosives to commit suicide. [16], I don't get to see him the way I want to, Rex. She offered Castle the chance to participate in the CIA mission to do what he does best, but Castle refused to work with her, making Madani deal with her problems by herself. Anything. Pilgrim handed over Bendix. Before he could finished talking, Bendix hugged him. The whole compound went to full alert and Castle and Micro managed to escape.[28]. However, before he could pull the trigger, the Punisher was forced to continue fighting Daredevil, who managed to get the violent vigilante in a headlock, knocking him out. While staking out Clay Wilson's house, Castle then called Page to warn her against going after Wilson. ""Yeah, well, they're just gonna have to get over it.Curtis Hoyle and Frank Castle. Much of the killing is done behind the scenes, but one massive mutant/superhuman genocide occurs during a staged battle on the moon. Someone with no mercy. He was called by Sarah, her insurance company needed a signed statement about the accident so they can move forward with the claim. Castle left by himself and walked alone into the night, thinking about his actions. Sticking to cover, the Punisher ensured that Russo was out of sight before then stepping onto the Carousel himself while keeping his weapon raised and ready to be fired. Castle, donning his bulletproof vest with a spray-painted skull-like symbol, embraced the mantle of the Punisher. The two then made a deal that saved Pilgrim's life. He then shot the main guy in the leg and told him to talk. When the man ran out of ammunition, Castle responded by shooting him in the shoulder with his rifle, ordering him to admit he was the Blacksmith and that he was the one who had killed his family, when the man refused to speak, Castle chose to shoot him in the leg with his S&W 1911 pistol. I'm gonna do that to keep her alive, because that's my life. ""You stupid son o-Ray Schoonover and Punisher. ""I miss him everyday.Frank Castle and Rex Quinn. Seeing that the Blacksmith's men had finally pulled up outside the cafe, Castle ordered Page to hide in the kitchen with the waitress. One of the most interesting killings, though, is at the end of Marvel Vs. Castle then also confessed to killing Schoonover and Wolf, although he noted that Bennett was murdered by his allies, since Castle put a target on Bennett's back. Daredevil is another character who's seen multiple deaths at the hands of The Punisher. I killed him, right.Punisher and Amy Bendix. And you sure carry yourself like a soldier.Daredevil, It's a Marine's best friend. However, Castle knew that Madani could not shoot him and went downstairs to chase Wilson. Castle went to O'Connor's Residence to find Curtis Hoyle, only him to be tied up and rigged with mines. The Punisher then stepped inside the room and checked that Bendix was okay, before looking at Anderson Schultz, who was now frozen in horror upon seeing his wife get shot in the head, with the Punisher noting that he was going to offer them both a choice, but Eliza clearly made hers. In response, Castle did not say a word, since he did not deny that he was involved with another conflict which had become his priority, until Madani then demanded he speak, to which he just advised Madani to get some sleep. The furious fight eventually involved knives, then fists, then just simple, barbaric brutality. That's right. Before they could bury him alive in concrete, however, Castle notice what they are doing and warned them to turn their mixer off, while still holding his sledgehammer. It was only until Fisk revealed to Castle that Dutton had information on the deaths of his family in Central Park and could likely give him the name of whoever was responsible for the massacre, that Castle accepted his offer. Or were their deaths simply blamed on a conveniently-timed shootout? Castle and Curtis Hoyle went back to work, staking out over the night outside of Valhalla. Castle teased Madani about pulling her gun on him again, following their last encounter at the Royal Hospitality, before he made it clear that if Micro trusted Madani, then he did as well. As the battle concluded, Castle watched from the roof, seen by Karen Page down below as she was protected by the police, Castle gave a nod towards his ally while he promised to see Daredevil another time before walking away. Accordingly, it helped fill in a lot of blanks. However, Madani claimed that this murder proved that Russo was actually a broken and pathetic man as a result of everything that Russo had already endured. Changing the subject, Bendix told Castle that her name was not actually Rachel, telling him that her real name was Amy, noting that she believed that Castle should know this. The pair realized they had both been a part of the United States Marine Corps which gave themselves great respect for each other as Jerry left Castle alone to enjoy his cigarette and peace and quiet. He's dead." Using this image as inspiration, Castle went into the garage with the bulletproof vest he found in the armory and began spray painting an image onto it. Frank goes on his killing spree as The Punisher. His goal, like Hulk's, was to kill the scientists who were trying to find a cure for the virus. From hair trends to relationship advice, our daily newsletter has everything you need to sound like a person whos on TikTok, even if you arent. Quinn had noted that she believed Castle, claiming that she did not usually make a habit of bringing men home, with Castle saying that did not either, as they laughed together. While Jack attempted to get on his feet, the Punisher, still believing it to be Russo, slashed at his legs to cause him more pain. Working early in the morning, Castle was confronted again by Lance and all his friends, regarding him working late nights and taking away their own over time. I'm not the one that dies, kid. Orange, however, ignored Castle's objections and insisted that they continue with the mission objective regardless. Castle was put through surgery and medical troubles before getting put in a bed. The Punisher promised that whenever Russo looked at his reflection and only saw ugliness, he would always be reminded of his day. Castle hunted down the last man on the ship, engaging in a brief gunfight. The Punisher witnessed Jack helping another mercenary to his feet, as he gunned down the other man, leaving only him and Jack standing. ""Sometimes.Amy Bendix and Frank Castle. He then discovered Schoonover's secret stash of military-grade weapons and a bulletproof vest. Micro revealed that it is a fail-safe system if the countdown reaches zero, then it would trigger explosives in the building that would kill them. The man pleaded for his life and then half-heartedly admitted to being the Blacksmith and begged for death as Castle pressed his gun into the man's face. ""Jesus, you are unreal. One that gets encrypted tactical frequencies. Now that those handcuffs were taken off, Castle then commented on Madani's survival and questioned if she saved his life, as James had stepped forward, commenting that they would not take away his life. The origin serves as a sort of inversion of the backstory for Batman and Spider-Man, as the death of Frank's loved ones causes him to become just as violent as their killers. With the Punisher now severely wounded and with Russo armed with two blades, he was now on the defensive as Russo swung these two blades at him repeatedly, cutting into his skull vest while the Punisher landed several more counter strikes during throughout their clash. Page then arrived and begged Castle to stop, but Castle ignored her pleas and dragged Schoonover into a nearby cabin. And that is where you'll be waiting in the van.Micro and Frank Castle. As Quinn had expressed her confusion, Castle just explained that his past could embarrass powerful people, without mentioning Homeland Security directly, which had resulted in him using the name "Pete Castiglione," as Castle also denied being a criminal. Knowing that he was serious, Barrett explained that Konchevsky worked from Kazan's Gym, noting they were not good people, but the Gym would be a good target. [23], That kid right there the one whose head you got that gun on, you see, I'd do anything for her. I'm gonna take all the breath out of your lungs, out of your lungs, until you can barely whisper and the last word out of your mouth is gonna be 'please, please, please'.William Rawlins to Frank Castle. O'Rourke then revealed that Castle killed his cousin from the Kitchen Irish; O'Rourke wanted revenge. Long as he's on our side.Dobbs and Bruce Ogden. No record of it exists, meaning that it was not approved by United States Congress and therefore illegal. Rawlins grabbed the weapon he would get his revenge on Castle, holding a blade to stab out his eye for payback. It just pisses people off, you know, brings them together, makes them stronger. Castle put the unconscious Olin in his van to interrogate her later, but she suddenly woke up and managed to grab Castle's gun, shooting him in the arm. While Bruce Wayne and Peter Parker have a strict no-kill rule, The Punisher operates a lot like a villain in his efforts to destroy the criminal underworld. [16], You're just some Good Samaritan who couldn't stand by? Castle left the money in his van and attached a bomb to it, which would detonate if anyone attempted to move it. ""It's your lucky day, asshole.Punisher and Amy Bendix. ""You knew he was alive, all this time. Maybe that bullet was meant for me, huh? Abandoning his identity, Castle attempted to live the quiet life, under the name Peter "Pete" Castiglione, but he was found by Micro who revealed to him that more people had been involved in his family's death, and they were involved in the illegal Operation Cerberus he had performed in Afghanistan. Castle noted how Madani thought that Russo had been putting on an act, which Hoyle disagreed with, noting how Russo had believed that they were still with their United States Armed Forces and that he had spoken about Castle like his brother. Pilgrim used this opportunity to hit Castle with a shovel. As Quinn gave Castle his drink, she explained how her life of regrettable life decisions had led her to the place she was in now, as she invited Castle to sit down with her. Castle took the stand and was questioned by Matt Murdock, who asked him to describe what happened the day that his family was killed while he also told the jury that New York City needed men like him to control the crime. Castle then raised his gun to Poloznev, who understood how Castle worked. Castle did not listen to Mahoney's orders, using Page as a human shield to get him to an elevator. Quinn introduced herself to Castle, who instead introduced himself as Pete Castiglione, maintaining the cover story that he had been given. Fisk initially wanted to get Castle out of the way and arranged to have him killed. In fact, Frank survived the fiery cataclysm at the docks and was finally able to find the Blacksmith and determine his real identity: Colonel Ray Schoonover, his former commander from his days in the Marines, who had testified on Frank's behalf at his trial earlier in the season. Castle eventually learned that Grotto managed to survive his initial attack on the Kitchen Irish, and was taken to Metro-General Hospital as the wounds he had received got the better of him. As the group therapy session went on, Castle stood in the hallways and listened to Hoyle's advise to other veterans and even Lewis Wilson's input on doing terrible acts of war meaning nothing during times of peace. Finn Cooley revealed that he was leading the group and that he wanted Castle after he killed several of their members, including Nesbitt and Cooley's youngest son and taken his money. Despite this, Castle has shown the capability to grow emotionally attached to people in his life regardless of his hardened exterior as seen with David Lieberman and Amy Bendix. The Anvil agents left after the hacker succeeded to wipe all of Micro's files as Rawlins proceeded to test Castle's heartbeat. Daredevil andThe Punisher don't undo any of this, but they add a wrinkle that creates a lot more complex journey for Castle. Although he flatlined, he came back to life without any medical aid. What do you need? While Russo pulled the bullet from his cheek, the Punisher recovered and drew his handgun, having dropped his assault rifle, until Russo, furious at having his handsome face permanently scarred, yelled out to the Punisher to end their fight once and for all. You taught me that.Frank Castle to Ray Schoonover, He's tracking gangs to their home turf and taking them out with military precision.Blake Tower, Do you really think Castle's the kind of guy who walks into a building he doesn't know how to get out of?Karen Page to Brett Mahoney, Military grade hardware.