Like how is your immune system shaped by what your there's your diet that's included in it, your vitamin D status, your you know, there's there's you know, the other interesting thing and there's been no studies with sars-cov-2, but there have been influenza studies showing that viral dose. So it's not like a hard core quantitative biomarker which is so badly needed. Joe Rogan, all one word when you download the cash out from the App Store or the Google Play store to test. Right. So, you know, if if 15 to 30 percent of the common cold is composed of coronaviruses, we know at least two of those coronavirus are in the same family that have been identified to make at least in one case, there's been neutralizing antibodies. Watch the sunrise or sunset. Like I went to lot to Quest Quest Labs like a month before all this lockdown happened. Snoring is a real issue and it's usually an issue of, you know, some sort of impeded airway. And I totally stopped having for the most part, Dan says, yeah, like I went through one episode where what happens when someone has a nightmare is like if someone else in the sharing the bed with you, like, tries to stop you or help, like because I'm still asleep, I'm not aware that that's my husband doing that. Like it's like we don't ever sleep. Like there's huge variations in the results and it all really seems to come down to dose like it really does. I use every five days a vitamin D, so it's like a weekly dose because a lot of times these people are severely deficient. Right, the colonel. Dr. Rhonda Patrick is a Ph.D. in biomedical science and expert on nutritional health. Respected master distiller Harlan Wheatley is in charge and he also makes craft vodka named after him Wheatly Vodka. Oh, I'm glad you brought that up, because there was, you know, so a couple of things. I think it has huge potential. I mean, I don't even know he's been fucked up for, like, a really bad. So I think. I think that the I don't think the sleep stage is accurate was because like that's like you have to like measure brain wave like it's measuring, it's I'll tell you why, because I've had multiple incidents when I was nursing my son back when I was nursing my son where he was on a nursing pillow. Zinc once a week. Seventy percent of the people would get like symptoms ranging from fever, you know, cough and all the influenza, you know, flu symptoms. And if it happens to be a non randomized controlled trial, then, you know, it's just correlation doesn't, you know, doesn't equal causation. And it calculated me as being in REM sleep. But also maybe that is not feeling well because vitamin D deficiency plays a factor in that as well. Really high profile releases of these horrible people that should be in jail probably forever, and they're releasing them. Yeah, and it's it's because it's because they have darker skin. We're often asked, what is one? But the question is, is like, you know, there's there's homeostatic processes in these cells and stuff and so is it. So you don't worry because I wouldn't be able to talk for like a month. And then so elderly elderly are like insanely more deficient. You can't like you just can't. So he gets in over two hundred degrees with a fucking aerodyne bike with oven mitts on this crazy asshole is riding in Aerodyne. Right, making oxytocin. Yeah, especially being outside. Bye, everybody. And I just I don't know. What does the cytomegalovirus. We did a video on it and like it's I mean, it effects like the insulin secretion, sensitivity, like all that stuff. I don't I think that I think what you don't want to just speculate? The intravenous vitamin C is a completely different game because it literally generates hydrogen peroxide. What got me thinking about this whole thing was, you know, in the prisons and jails, I mean, they're in close quarters and they're you got one virus that someone's exposed to and they all get it right. And that is why Legal Zoom continues to provide a reliable way for everyone to set up the right estate plan without leaving your home. Yeah. Yeah, hormone. It's all just decompressing the back. All right. But what's interesting is that there's there's actually been a genetic link to this this mutant. Posted on I don't know. But, yeah, the monoclonal antibodies is a really I know there's like Regeneron, a big company there. They showed it was hedgehog proteins. But many children are getting in contact with this disease and how many of them are asymptomatic but are spreading it. So yeah, if I'm in a rush and I'm like, oh my God, I'm here, I got to you know, I got things to do. And so, like I do about six minutes and it's so easy for me. So. They might miss it instead of just being open minded and going, hmm, I think that happens a lot, too, with like social media, because like, for example, if I share one study, I'll share like an epidemiological study and it's like it's Twitter, you know, I'm doing 140 Kerry or whatever the change. But so there's been studies looking at vitamin D levels in the Somali population. We were visiting his parents in Memphis and it was like Christmas Eve. I think focusing on on, you know, lifestyle factors that you can, you know, possibly modern. You're not making vitamin D. Also, if you have darker skin, melanin protects you like the whole, you know, people with darker skin, people from maybe Africa or India or South Asia, the more equatorial regions, they're closer, you know, closer to to to the equator. Yeah. They don't have the concentration and isn't high. I know my youngest never want to take naps. This means the world population is on the edge of full deficiency. They're twenty seven percent less likely to have pneumonia after correcting for. Quercetin It's like like it's like my my teeth get dirtier. There's your immune system. I don't I have you know, I don't know if there's like a but you mentioned one test. I've been where yeah. And New Orleans had some crazy, crazy number be the mechanism that would cause. What works. It doesn't do anything to the two receptor levels. I mean, so important. It's like like three hours before shelter in place was put in California. The easiest way to send money between your friends and family without having to hold paper cash cash have is also the best way to try to grow your money with their investing feature. I didn't know I thought that was going to kill everybody. You just you get like sometimes when I get nervous, my eye will start watering. It was like I want to take two pills of the two thousand. Right. Tested, too known to immunize people, did vaccinate people when they go to jail. And he's like, OK, well, if you find anything, please send it my way. The weight is behind you. What does this page grooved outdoor activities. And they were there. But that's the problem with Twitter, is that you don't see that person. And and if this guy is like it sounds like he's a little bit of a cult leader. The American Buffalo folks that's on the label, the buffalo on the label actually has testicles. Vitamin C is important for making collagen, converting dopamine to norepinepherine (important for the fight or flight response), and is an . You know, it's important. Salt it's so. They're shedding the virus through the sprinkler systems. But the nightmare thing, I'm just the melatonin has helped so that's great. She's got this crazy. Some athletes prefer the ice baths versus cryotherapy, even though it's probably more painful because it lasts a lot longer. They're not just like, boom, full stop going to, like, increase something when everything's normal. Oh, he used to be out here. Yeah. There have always been people with doubts and there always will be. Between you and those outside your household, you fucking how have you been like doing comedy bits like. Living in scotland I could have told you that no sunshine makes you miserable, 6 hours of overcast "daylight" in the winter is pretty brutal. Right. You just got to get a good CBD, like a good CBD that doesn't have THC because I have a few that I've tried from other the the tincture that I take is from CBD and it doesn't get me high at all, but I've had some from other companies where I'd have like three dropoffs full. Leg presses. So the whole point of that is that they're identifying antibodies that can neutralize the virus and they're going to grow them and manufacture them and give them to people. Learn more about Dr. Rhonda Patrick. Where did Dr Rhonda Patrick go to school? It also correlates. Right. So monoclonal antibodies, I think, are a really big, you know, possibility for a promising therapeutic because you can then I mean, the problem is growing like large scale manufacturing them. RELATED: Dr. Rhonda Patrick's Fish Oil Protocol Like when you take like a young population, as you get older, your immune system does decline. But I think the most interesting thing that I learned really had to do with the the pharmacokinetics, which is basically like how much vitamin C raises your plasma levels and like is, you know, is there a saturation point where you can eat, you know, 20 grams of vitamin C but still only get to the certain point, you know, and then versus what you do, if you like, in your, you know, inject it into your veins. But then when they went down to from ten to the seven, let's say they went down to ten to the five only like 10 percent. That makes you feel good every day. It got worse. I got to write so up like pour the for the water on the hot rocks to like just get it really feeling really hot. So he came up with this machine and what this machine, the reverse hyper does on the lift, it's strengthening the lower back muscles. Oh yeah. But it shouldn't be you shouldn't be scared to do it because that's what's going to protect that area. I've I'm it's pretty interesting. Oh great. Yeah. Oh OK. Yeah I've been chewing this neuro gum that is it's gum with nootropics in it. Do you, do you do like electrolyte replenishment. You know, this is like when I was in my early 20s, but I would like dose up on all these like B complex vitamins. You just I couldn't come to an answer. Some notes from her podcasts on the JRE. Look at that graph. Yeah, I'm a bit, I'm a bit that way. That's what you need. My mom is like, you know, she's Nana. But you have to measure your levels. It's a free one where we're kind of like putting some of these interesting snips which don't mean anything. 200 milligrams. It's 100 percent right. I appreciate you very much. What's so amazing about this neurotrophic factor is that it's always thought about in the context of like brain ageing because it helps you grow new neurons. Previous COVID-19 infection or vaccination confers long-term protection against future severe disease outcomes. And we're brought to you by legal zoom. So you take 200 milligrams. Anything else, is anything else help you out for sleeping. Interesting. I love energy. It gets gets grosser meditation. So I think, you know, for for people that don't have access to a sauna, that hot baths absolutely are a good a model for heat stress. Like if there's if there's antibodies that you're making against another coronavirus, beta coronavirus that's in the same family as this SARS one, no one's had SARS, one in the United States, you know, so like that one doesn't that that's not as relevant as. Dude, this is really bad. It doesn't do anything. Again, I don't know that the intravenous vitamin C is necessary. So many debates about it. And Trager Day, May 16th. Rate your immune system and strengthen it is important. So so I think that's that's certainly, you know, the issue. So when when shit goes wrong, they fix it. Oh yeah. So so there are people that have variations in genes that cause them to genetically have lower vitamin D. And so this this is called Mendelian randomisation, where you can take a person that's that has a genetically like it's they're genetically low vitamin D, so you're not categorizing them based on their vitamin D levels. Eu J Sofri por Amor Mas No Sofro Mais - 2T Da Serra. There's another meta analysis that looked at two hundred milligrams up to like 200 milligrams, up to two grams. It's like the best way to get to that. Right. That's number one. And that's been shown. It's it's hard, you know, being being a mom that's you know, I have you know, I run a business and but I also like want to be a really good mother. So other nearby cells by secreting all this stuff. It was like I could just I'm like, yeah, it's like having someone that snores is like, you can't sleep. Two hundred and ten degrees. I've been doing it. You should look into the blue light. Light coming in, and I didn't I wasn't I didn't live in a place that was like I could just go outside and frolic, you know, so. You fucks gardening. I am like calmer, I'm more relaxed. Do they they are more prone to zinc deficiency. The function of vitamin D is actually similar to a hormone. So it's really exciting because and they're going to do like a dose response where they're going to see how many the Charles Raisen, Dr. Charles Rosen showed one just one single session could result in an antidepressant effect. Affecting the aging process. Yeah, the photo bottom photo bio modulation. Right. They're fucking fantastic and it's so versatile. And there's there's all sorts of incentives for being hypercritical. They're just I love the rubs. I'll show it to you. Multivitamin Joe Rogan welcomed Dr. Rhonda Patrick, a Ph.D in biomedical science and expert on nutritional health, on his hugely popular podcast Thursday to discuss ways to fortify the immune system against COVID-19. So I started doing research on xylitol while I was looking for alternatives to stuff like Tom's of Maine. Can we can we get into vitamin. Rhonda Patrick: It's definitely not like I'll agree with you on that. They just vaccinate. But the common cold, you know, that's that's very common. Either I'm getting better shape and I know I am for sure. Like, you know, I've just I've got like a bad oral microbiome or something that I've just for four years or I don't know, I shouldn't have cavities because I don't eat sugar. Right. It's hard to tell because I do so much shit. So I got my data back pretty, pretty recent and I still hover around 50 nanograms per ml, even though before I was taking 4000 it didn't. You know, it's actually I was talking about my glucose monitor, my continuous glucose monitor. All right. This remains true whether the vitamin is obtained from the sun, through foods or supplements. You wear this. Like I went to Finland a few years ago. No control group, self diagnosing, more than half of the people didn't return for a second check up and many more questionable stuff. But can you measure he talks about team the bath versus. And so until that was known, I guess maybe the Mayo Clinic, they just thought, oh, vitamin C is vitamin C, you just can take an orally and until like some of that data started coming out, the pharmacokinetic data where it was like, no, it's not the same thing. Like, at first I was. So, I mean, if you if you get a sample like there's been these series of surveys where they basically that just means they both get get a sample of plasma and look for different antibodies, viral antibodies, and they'll find at any given point a person has like antibodies against 10 different viruses just randomly, you know, so you're you're constantly being exposed to viruses. I would love to like do it more. For this reason, Dr. Rhonda Patrick is extremely important. And then there's asymptomatic. All the toxins talk to soon. When people ask me about infrared. You know, like this was like the worst. It's thought the sars-cov-2 also does it because it goes through the same enters through the same receptor. Get one here. It's really like it's really weird. It's probably the message you and say I'll do it. It's known that the antibodies bind there and neutralize that. Yeah, there is. Attend live or listen in our exclusive member-only podcast The Aliquot. The results showed the safety of vitamin D supplementation in addition to the protections provided for acute respiratory tract infections. Everyone wants randomized control trials like no one wants to believe anything until it's a randomized controlled trial. Their levels were 50 percent higher over baseline and which is great. Remember, that's the big lady that was showing you earlier. So it's not like damaging your own cells. So, I mean, that's. So you're basically like you're you're becoming adapted. Seven one two nine, so wow, and that big, big, and it was totally repeatable, why is the lack of sleep? But I actually prefer this product from them because this completely isolates leads the back and you're not pulling on your knees and your ankles when you're decompressing. It has those inversion tables which are great for, you know, the same thing. He published a study where they looked at cardiorespiratory fitness and cardio, I think cardio other cardiovascular disease risk markers in people that were physically fit or physically physically active and plus the sauna or, you know, just physically active. That's the question. Yes, so I can get the humidity, like if I get it up to 50 percent, I feel like I'm like like I'm burning. Unfortunately, a lot of people remain deficient in vitamin D. This is the result of using sunscreen and remaining indoors for the majority of the day. So that's, that's a huge thing. When I lay down, it closes the airway. It's kind of like you read these stories. You know, you're breathing. So there was a study done at the CDC, I don't know, a month ago, maybe a little more, where they measured like they did it. I think social distancing makes sense. Yeah. Vitamin C somewhere thottam. But a little it's a little stronger data in the in Indonesia, patients that died 90 of almost 100 percent, it was like ninety eight point something. And then there's two different ones that are responsible for the common cold. So the sars-cov-2 one virus does that. Because that was still a postdoc so yeah. Now more than ever. These are people that really have no business telling you what to do and what not to do. And there's one other that I don't remember sweat. She also has a Bachelor of Science degree in biochemistry/chemistry from the University of California, San Diego. Now, there's another study that did look at humidity and the effect of humidity on basically like the ability of your epithelial cells in your airway and nozzles and stuff to filter out particles and particulate matter and like viruses and stuff and humidity actually made a big difference. BeWellBuzz. But, you know, you kind of just take it with a grain of salt where these clots are like, you know, there's clots in people that are healthy and young, certainly people that have severe cases, people like older people, people that are pre-existing conditions and stuff, and the type of blood people have lower levels of this Vaun Gillibrand factor, which basically is involved in clotting. OK, but I mean there's lots of different staphylococcus, blah blah blah blah, you know. I forget all of this stuff. Like, my Mother-In-Law has to go. Like, I think like a month and a half ago, I mean, I thought I was gonna see body bags in the street like I was I was like, this is like going to be really bad. It's the natural, it's naturally found in plants. Maybe that's why they're shittier, you know? The one that I'm getting, it's like it's found it like Whole Foods and sprouts and it's don't have the same amount of active culture though. There's been so many studies showing, like even vitamin D supplements, like it'll say it has 10000 IU, but it only has like 6000 like. Barroso, Laird, Hamilton, Laird, I talk, but like I was about to, like, go to one of his I was like literally going to get on a plane and go to Hawaii. Yet. So it's basically whatever the standard of care is. And also other studies have shown that prophylactically is slightly better than therapeutic. You'll peak at around five hours after. Well I would wonder and I know there's there's supposedly some sort of Harvard study that's ongoing right now measuring all sorts of markers in people that have done hot yoga and whether or not it mimics heat, shock proteins that are created in the sauna. I'll send it to you. Like if you want, you're trying to like, see what effect vitamin C has on whatever outcome you're going to want to weight raise someone's plasma levels. I'm not using like the best of terms, but neuroplasticity is something along those lines. And so as you get older, your your T cell population becomes more focused on fighting that virus and less so on other viruses that you're exposed to. Yeah, I use it every day. Thank you, Ron. It's something like I was I was interested in doing it like my mom was my mom had just gotten sick and like, common cold, you know, she had like a runny nose and stuff. And and then just more and more studies came out where it was not not only not helpful, it was, you know, toxic. Oh, like crazy. The I think the entire disease, it's out of their system. Press J to jump to the feed. And he's like, no, I go, listen, I have to go, but you got to do something about it. Because I had packed my swims. The new one, the West Side, Barbel CentOS. There we go. What is measured most of the time with cold shock is norepinephrine, release and norepinephrine in plasma. And I think that, you know, I don't know the sleep stage stuff, how accurate that is. It actually has a sleep coach built in. And we're also brought to you by the mother fucker in cash. If you can do IV, you don't need to do it. I'm just like, you know, there's I'm not scared. When you look at your musculature, the large percentage of it is from the waist down. I'm not sure I when the whole thing started, when the lockdown started, I was getting the sauna really hot. Right. Our bodies have been around longer than office buildings. And but, you know, there certain times of the year, depending on where you live and a more northern latitude where that UVB isn't even hitting the atmosphere. Whiskey magazine named the best distillery in America again this year. You know, it's well, it's it's important. We really have to stockpile food. Well, thankfully, you don't have to figure out everything on your own. In the early days of social media before I got a handle on it idea like, fuck, this is stress. And so I've been able to, you know, help, help with connections. And it'll help treat eventually they'll identify one that works. Rhonda has also mentioned she frequently uses the vitamin D brand Life Extension. So anyways, a year goes by. It's no I used to but then there they are. Have you ever done the cold shower after your sauna? So yeah, unless you're immunocompromised, but most people that are healthy, they don't know, you know, that they're infected with it. So what's indicative of their suffering from this vitamin D deficiency. I love this thing because you wear a belt and the weight is actually pull. That's going to be coming soon. Yeah, I know it's stunning. I was like so put off with the toxins stuff like it's funny because the sauna like that's like the one like four years, like all the benefits about slanderer, always about toxins. Health is important for you to function. My kids are having drive by birthday parties where they drive by with fucking bounce. I mean, like because there's a lot of people that are deficient in vitamin D and it's a steroid hormone. I haven't done any research on it, but I just know that I used to take them and I felt like a big effect. So you have memory B cells that are making antibodies that are specific to bind different regions, epitopes on the virus and neutralize them, prevent them from getting inside of the cell. Yeah, what what dose do you recommend for intravenous vitamin C? I like it a lot. Because vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin and it's less it's been shown to be 50 percent less bioavailable. But I've just learned so much, you know, over the past couple of months. Both daily and weekly dosages have shown protective properties. So, you know, the sign it does seem to be associated with lower incidence of pneumonia, but it's thought to be because of immune, you know, perturbations. Yes. The whole reason I got interested in the sauna was because I was in graduate school doing it like every day. I really appreciate it. The term vitamin D can be misleading because it does not function the same way as a vitamin. No sunshine=winter, you minimize energy use, put on all extra calories as fat, "hibernate" until summer and food is again available. Like when you get like doses above, you know, when you start to max out over that, you know, plasma level 220, microtonal, the vitamin C itself. And this is one of the reasons why I really wanted to talk to you right now. It's like, oh, yeah, you're getting it right in their faces, right? They're more scared that they could be affected by a severe, you know, case of this. One day we'll do it. You know, if the virus is like right in your nostrils, I don't know, maybe. It's amazing like I do. So you can get all the leg work that you get from squats, but you don't get the pressure on the desks. TikTok video from Pro D3 (@prod3uk): "@Joe Rogan Experience Dr Rhonda Patrick on the importance of vitamin D supplementation #blowthisup #vitamind #fyp #vitamindeficiency #joeroganpodcast". Your skin hurts, your toes hurt like it hurts. So so the problem is, is that calcium can easily form a precipitate in in in general and particularly when phosphorus is around and phosphorus is. I would take if you just had access to it every day, how often would you take intravenous vitamin C? Did no. Right? Of course, right now, it's like you can't go to Alaska. That is a more primitive version of the one that we have out there. Yeah, let's definitely talk more. Yeah, it's the ideas. So, you know, while I've had some training in immunology, I definitely, you know, didn't know, don't know everything there is to know. I've got two publications on it. And so that's a very common thing. April 19th 2020 And the fact that it does decrease the I don't know how it would affect an already formed cavity, but my cavities are gone. This seems almost intuitive. Erm you know, you just whatever random place and grab the vitamin. Yeah. But now it seems like as times gone on and people getting more frustrated and more desperate and more depressed because they're locked up, it seems like it's ramped up. Yeah. And it was burning. They jump in the lake and they go back and they're doing this.