Select the one which you are looking for and the map will automatically zoom and centre on this location. Therefore, specific minimum targets for energy efficiency and on-site measures are set out in Clauses 2 and 3. Professor Jim Longhurst, Assistant Vice-Chancellor: Environment Sustainability, University of West of England and Chair of the South Gloucestershire Climate Emergency University Advisory Group. We want to promote healthy lifestyles by controlling the number and type of new takeaways near schools by updating our existing approach set out in policy PSP35 (Food and Drink Uses). However, given the timeframes involved, such wastes would not be expected to arise until well beyond the current Local Plan period. Acceptable development proposal(s) must demonstrate that; a) The siting, form, scale, height, massing, detailing, colour and materials of the development respect, and are informed by, the positive locally-distinctive qualities of both the site and its surrounding context; and. Site Allocations Sites & Criteria, CS4a Presumption in favour of sustainable development. As with any development proposal, applicants are expected to engage with the local community and seek to generate support and address any concerns highlighted. Whilst we have seen strong performance from children and young people at some levels, overall, we recognise a distinct attainment challenge. This will come forward in later stages of the plan. They outline the number and types of homes, jobs, services and facilities, as well as infrastructure that will be expected to be developed in South Gloucestershire. We are a people organisation. We must ensure we are reaching all members of our community and key to this will be strengthening our relationships with town and parish councils and the voluntary and community sectors. To this end, we are updating our evidence base through preparing a Renewable Energy Resource Assessment Study (RERAS), and through doing so we will identify suitable areas for renewable and low carbon energy generation and related infrastructure. preparation of a new West of England Mayoral Plan The Spatial Development Strategy. The Phase 1 consultation ran from 27 November 2020 to 1 March 2021. We would like your feedback on whether we have provided the correct range of policies that we will need in the future to guide development and create exceptional places and spaces within existing and new communities. secure reliable energy generation capacity; ord. More information on the RESPD can be found here. Are located in areas identified as suitable for renewable energy development in the technical maps (to be included in the Appendices of the Local Plan); orb. Any proposal to dispose of such waste on site will require planning consent as well as consent from the Environment Agency. All land use, development, demolition and waste planning proposals should be set within the context of an agreed strategic masterplan. What are strategic and non-strategic policies? Adele Davison, Apprentice Engineer, South Gloucestershire Council. 1) Context and identityDevelopment proposal(s) must demonstrate an understanding of, and respond constructively to the building and landscape characteristics that make a particularly positive contribution to the distinctiveness and identity of the area. Associated development is likely to include a range of both permanent and temporary works and facilities such as: Flood defences for the site and the surrounding area; Transport infrastructure including road, sea, and potentially rail; Construction worker accommodation / facilities; Modifications to the electricity transmission infrastructure; Training facilities, a visitor/ reception centre and off-site emergency facilities; Extensive landscape, visual and biodiversity mitigation areas. All development proposals must: Information proportionate to the scale of the development proposed must be submitted with any planning application to demonstrate how the proposal addresses climate change mitigation and adaptation. Youve told us we need to have a greater focus on the Climate Emergency. This is available for 290 plus VAT (as of April 2022) and is subject to us considering it is appropriate. South Gloucestershire is a diverse area consisting of the urban edges of Bristol, market towns and rural communities and the new approach seeks to create parking standards that reflect these diverse environments. Policies in our Local Plan are the starting point for making decisions on all planning applications and will be the foundation for guiding development across all of South Gloucestershire. We have delivered thousands of new homes to help meet current requirements, but demand is set to intensify further over the coming years. A planning designation of Parking zones, for certain urban parts of the authority, to indicate where reduced parking provision may be appropriate, would be progressed as part of this approach. Significant weight will be given to outstanding or innovative designs which respond to positive, locally distinctive features. f) The most appropriate and robust materials, street furniture and finishes have been utilised, to create a sense of place which has variety and interest, while not adding clutter within the street scene. Non-strategic policies deal with detailed matters, like locational principles and place specific requirements. Beta This is our beta website, your feedback can help us improve it. The credibility of monitoring information should be ensured through provision for independent analysis and verification, as well as the establishment of theme specific monitoring and advisory groups involving relevant stakeholders. Clause 1b requires the residual heat demand of a development to be met through connection to a classified heat network or renewable heat source. The Local Plan 2020 will shape our district for the next 15 years. These are the minimum requirements for energy efficiency and on-site renewable energy generation that must be met. We have a flourishing local economy and high levels of employment and want to proactively support high potential future-facing industries. Priority 1 Creating the best start in life for our children and young peoplePriority 2 Identifying and supporting those most in need and helping people to help themselvesPriority 3 Promoting sustainable inclusive communities, infrastructure, and growthPriority 4 Realising the full potential of our people and delivering value for money. Major housing development(s) should provide a range of home tenures, types and sizes, to meet local housing need and market demand; b) Safe, secure and healthy living, working, recreation and travelling environments have been provided, where opportunities for criminal activities are designed out, secure and appropriately sized private amenity areas are created, and the design of the public realm promotes activity and social engagement; c) An appropriate level of infrastructure to enable high quality digital connectivity has been designed into the development. Yet we also have attractive, safe communities with access to the city and open countryside. As part of this Phase 1 document, we want to get your feedback on whether the range of planning policies we are currently proposing are correct, and if you have any views on the draft policies we are presenting at this time. The design of buildings should help to enable the creation of well-designed public realm, parking and landscape to emerge through the design process. About the council. We will further reinforce our inclusive culture where everyone feels able to participate and achieve their best. Flood riskExtensive areas subject to flood risk. However, inequality gaps have increased over recent years and without preventative action, the Covid-19 pandemic threatens to further hold back the prospects of the most disadvantaged. Due to the proposed changes to the planning system set out in the Governments Planning White Paper, some of the policies we have listed (including our draft policies) might not be carried forward. 3) MovementSafe, convenient, sustainable and direct movement between areas of the district is an integral part of well-designed places. This document is therefore a key starting point in the process and journey to prepare a new Local Plan. Since the disposal of radioactive waste on site is likely to constrain future land uses and activities and result in the need for security/regulation, waste management or disposal proposals should form an integral part of master planning for decommissioning of the site at Oldbury. Acceptable development proposal(s) must demonstrate that; a) High quality and well-considered green and blue infrastructure has been included to an appropriate level, and appropriately designed to contribute towards the vision and strategic objectives of the locality. Oldbury A station Decommissioning, 55. For example, we are considering identifying safeguarding areas where proposals for other types of development would not be permitted if they would unacceptably sterilise the renewable or low carbon energy development for which they are safeguarded. We have an ageing population but recognise that most people as they get older want to remain independent for as long as possible. The aim of this design policy is to shape and direct development proposals to create resilient and exceptional places, spaces, and buildings in South Gloucestershire. Men from the least deprived areas live five years longer and women live over six years longer than those living in the most deprived areas. The relationships we have built through the Covid-19 pandemic are central to this and that new community conversation will grow further through the development of these very local-level relationships. the development is carbon negative) are encouraged and appropriate weight will be given to this. More details about this emerging plan can be found here: South Glos. Satisfaction in the area79% of local people are satisfied with their area. This Council Plan maintains our focus on being an efficient and innovative organisation, working closely with our communities and partners to shape and improve the outcomes and prospects for. Stoke Gifford man ordered to pay over 1,500 following fly-tip in South Gloucestershire. Legibility, or the understanding of a place, can be created by sequences of natural or built landmark features, and by ensuring that views through a site terminate at landmarks, such as a mature tree or interesting new faade. Each of these commitments has its own dedicated Action Plan which sets out how we will deliver our priorities and measure our progress to maintain the extraordinary status we believe South Gloucestershire merits. Set out whether a carbon offsetting contribution is required to mitigate any remaining carbon emissions. This will be updated as part of the Development Plan and particularly provide further guidance on the following: Further guidance on the Accessibility Assessment and Zoning approach Further guidance on technical standards for parking provision, Core Strategy Policy CS36 Proposals for Major Infrastructure Projects. We will recruit and retain people with the right skills and provide the right culture, leadership, and environment for our staff to do their jobs to the best of their ability. The new Local Plan for Milton Keynes, Plan:MK was adopted by Milton Keynes Council at its meeting on the 20 March 2019, details of which can be found at Council 20 March 2019. Community benefits beyond the requirements of the Planning Acts may also be sought through the provisions of the Local Government Acts, other legislation, through voluntary agreement with the project provider, or in accordance with an industry protocol. As a council we have sometimes shied-away from highlighting the impacts of our work and what we have achieved, and at the heart of this plan is a new means of demonstrating how we are making a difference for you, delivering real value for money services. The changes to the Order specifically relates to the way that retail, employment and leisure uses are classified. 2. The segregated areas also allow consideration of sheltered provision, Urban Lifestyle and Accessibility Approach. The Council acknowledges the potential for NNB to deliver low carbon energy and high quality education, training, supply chain and employment opportunities and will work with a project promoter to maximise benefits and legacy for local communities and businesses. Residential Parking Supplementary Planning Document. Area Specific: Planning for the North Fringe of the Bristol Urban Area. 3. The zones have been created based on the Urban Lifestyles approach with a focus on designated town centres and key transport hubs. Food and Drink Uses: Locational Constraints (including schools), 31. In its role either as determining authority for planning applications, or as consultee for applications to other bodies, the Council will take into consideration the nature, scale, extent and potential impact of any development proposal, and seek to ensure that: Development proposals align where relevant with the West of England Spatial Development Strategy (SDS) and make a positive contribution to the delivery of the South Gloucestershire Local Plan, the Joint Local Transport Plan and other supporting and/or relevant plans and strategies, including neighbourhood plans; and, A strategic and integrated approach is taken to the location, planning, design, phasing and delivery of NSIPs and their associated infrastructure and/or development so that it maximises positive social, economic and environmental outcomes, minimises negative impacts, and secures appropriate community and legacy benefits, and. To do this, we have set out an overarching policy on climate change, which aims to ensure that climate change is considered at the beginning of the decision making process when the concept of a new development, including its location and design, is considered. Area Specific: Planning for Yate and Chipping Sodbury, 68. They are currently defined in policy PSP11 Transport Impact Management, the proposed new policy will eventually replace PSP11. The Covid-19 pandemic has strengthened connections between the general public and the council, health service and other public sector bodies. A detailed timeline for preparing our new Local Plan is set out in the Local Plan Delivery Programme (LPDP). * In 2004, 21 South Gloucestershire areas rated in the most deprived 20% nationally against at least one domain of the Indices of Multiple Deprivation. For example, given the need to raise awareness of business opportunities to ensure that local companies can meet the requirements of the nuclear industry; as well as the need to ensure the availability of suitably qualified workforce both for construction and operation, early engagement in the pre-application phase will be required in respect of eduction, training, skills and supply chain strategies. It was also clear that whilst the fundamental priorities for the coming years will remain constant, our approach to meeting them will remain responsive and as such, this is a live and evolving document.Specifically, you have told us that you would like to see how the Plan supports our response to the Climate Emergency and the growing inequality gaps in our society. NNB development would also be subject to legislation relating to hazardous sites including a Detailed Emergency Planning Zone, within which the Emergency Planning implications of new development would need to be considered. Given the importance of decommissioning the existing station, and the potential benefits of reusing the brownfield land to reduce the overall impact of NNB, when considering land use proposals at the existing Oldbury power station site, priority will sequentially be given to meeting the needs of: Decommissioning; Nuclear new build proposals; Other employment and/or green energy related uses. Otherwise 1 secure, undercover space, Newly built and converted dwellings without garage (C3), Health Centres, doctors surgery, dentist surgery, veterinary surgery (D1**), Day nurseries/playgroups, crches (D1**), Community centres, family centres/family resource centre (D1**), Secondary schools (Non-residential) (D1**), Colleges, University (Non- residential) (D1**), Sports hall; indoor bowls; health club/gymnasium; Ice rink/swimming pool (D2**), Tennis courts, squash courts, playing fields (D2**). retail, office, leisure) which include vehicular parking must include as a minimum passive infrastructure to enable the future provision of electric charging facilities; For all non-residential developments providing 10 or more parking bays, at least 20% of those bays are required to provide active charging facilities for electric or other ultra-low vehicles. Active Provision:An active OLEV compliant chargepoint, such that each dwelling has the opportunity to charge their vehicle at the same time with a total charging time not exceeding 8 hours. The Local plan includes policies for deciding planning applications in Bristol. We must re-double our efforts to promote equality of opportunity and build cohesive communities. We recognise that council services are increasingly funded by council tax and business rates, which is why value for money plays such an important role in our decision-making. The Accessibility Assessment can be used to justify a development sites departure from the prescribed parking standards set out in this policy and must be completed for developments within the urban zone.